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Canadian Ski Marathon

Last Groomed Classic
Last Groomed Skate

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Trail Description

Founded in 1966, the Canadian Ski Marathon (CSM) is North America’s oldest XC ski event. For more information on the CSM - Our composite trail here is meant to inspire skiers to train and test their mettle in longer ski events- CSM, American Birkebeiner, Alley Loop, Owl Creek Chase and the like. This 13 kilometer trail follows the outer edge of Trail 10 from the Nordic Center to the connector underpass to the Moore Loop. It follows the right (west) side of the trail up the ARC bridge leading to the High School Loop. From here it runs along counter-clockwise until it reaches the spur dropping past Whitcomb Senior Housing to the Marolt Loop. Once again, the trail follows the loop counter-clockwise until it takes the bridge across to the Moore property. This is followed a short distance to the underpass leading back to the golf course and regains Trail 10, following it around counter-clockwise a few more kilometers to its end back at the nordic center. We have placed CSM trail markers with kilometers covered so that skiers can keep track of their pace and distance.

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Grooming History

TODAY YESTERDAY 4/30 4/29 4/28 4/27 4/26

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